Object-Oriented Programming

Course Code
ECTS Credits
3rd Semester
Course Category

Core courses

Core courses

Core Courses
Course Description

Course contents: Introduction to object-oriented programming and to Java. Classes, objects, fields, methods. Access modifiers: public, private, protected; package access. Static and final modifiers. Inheritance, polymorphism, abstract methods and classes, interfaces. Generic classes, Java collections – ArrayList. Exceptions. Enumerations. File handling. Elements of the Java library.


Assessment: The course grade will be based on programming projects (possibly involving a personal examination) and/or programming exercises that will jointly account for 30% of the final grade, and a 3- hour written examination that will account for the remaining 70% of the final grade. These percentages may vary (+/-10%) each year. In order to pass the course, the student must have a mark higher than 4.5/10 in the programming projects, higher than 4.5/10 in the final exam, and a total mark higher than 5/10.